The Blog Bloc March ‘18 Mixer at Urban Hive

The Blog Bloc is a community for Bloggers in Sacramento that was founded by my dear friend Kachet of The Kachet Life last year. Kachet is a long time blogger that recognized Sacramento needed a place for bloggers to get together.

I’m not a consistent blogger, but I’ve definitely toyed with it over the years, and made it a goal of 2018 to blog at least once a month! If I was really good, I’d blog every shoot, but that’s a goal I’ll work on this year (or next), but that’s besides the point.

I’m here to chat about this month’s Blog Blog event at the Urban Hive in Sacramento. The topic was “Community and Collaboration”, and to say the event was a hit is an understatement. The panelists included Kachet as a moderator, Rebecca from Creative Mornings Sacramento, Ruthie Ridley Blog, Erica from Fit Crawl, and Zayn from The People of Sacramento.

All of these individuals are passionate, creative, kind and make it a priority in their blog/business to connect, communicate, collaborate, and LOVE their city. Being in a room of people dedicated to learning, listening, along with hearing these panelists discuss and share their experiences was SO inspiring. 

While I was bouncing around photographing the event, I couldn’t help but stop and put my camera down so I could soak in what these individuals had to say. While I left my notebook at home, I did make many mental notes of some key points I want to share with you. 

  • While putting yourself out there might be scary, it’s always worth it to do so rather than hold back.
  • The energy that you put out into the world will come back to you. Put out positivity, and you will get that back in return. Manifest the energy and creativity you strive for.
  • Just show up! And smile. Say hi to people. Someone else might be just as scared to be there as you.
  • “Networking” might be a scary word, especially for the introverts of the world, but it can be ground breaking to get yourself out of your shell.
  • Share ideas!
  • Find people to join your team and support you!
  • Being vulnerable is part of the process. Vulnerability makes you grow.
  • As cheesy as it sounds, Dream Big!! Go for what you want, and don’t let follower count or popularity stop you. If you have an idea or vision, go for it! 

That’s the gist of it! The creative energy in the room was vibrating, and I couldn’t wait to share this post! 

Thanks for reading. Here are a few of my favorite photos from the event and the gorgeous space that is the Urban Hive!

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